Affordable and Portable Stethoscope Sterilization in Developing Nations

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About This Project

Hospital-acquired infections are a distinct risk to patients in many developing nations. Stethoscopes, in particular, are a primary fomite for pathogen transmission between patients due to their frequent and ubiquitous daily usage. As such, this engineering project aims to iterate upon our existing wearable and affordable stethoscope sterilization device, one that can be operated with ease in between patient visitations and make use of local hospital resources.

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What is the context of this research?

The use of stethoscopes by health care practitioners has become a key method of pathogen transfer between patients, helping to propagate patient-to-patient cross-contamination.

What is the significance of this project?

Our design solution to this problem exists, but needs funding for the trials required to determine the effectiveness of our device.

What are the goals of the project?

To iterate and improve upon our existing device.


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Project Timeline

This project has needs, hence a timeline!

Oct 31, 2017

Milestone 1

Nov 01, 2017

Milestone 2

Meet the Team


Team Bio

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Project Backers

  • 0Backers
  • 0%Funded
  • $0Total Donations
  • $0Average Donation
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