About This Project
Frogs are experiencing global declines because of emerging pathogens. Understanding how populations cope with these pathogens is essential for their conservation. We plan to investigate how genetics influences differential outcomes in populations. Some genes have been looked at, but we need a better view across the whole genome. We plan to use DNA extracted from frogs from museums and compare it to modern population DNA to see how population genetics have changed after disease introduction.
Ask the Scientists
Join The DiscussionWhat is the context of this research?
Amphibians are facing a biodiversity crisis in part due to two pathogens: the Ranavirus Frog Virus 3 (FV3) and the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). These pathogens can cause severe symptoms and sometimes death in amphibians, including frogs and my focal species the green frog. We can use population genetics to understand what allows, or hinders, populations to persist when facing these pathogens. Disease susceptibility and mortality have a genetic component as shown by different outcomes to FV3 and Bd infection across species, populations, and individuals. Two genes have been implicated: MHC I and MHC II. Research shows that infected individuals are more likely to have particular genetic variants, and that pathogen introduction leads to a decrease in genetic diversity over time. Museum collections are a great way to study changes in population genetics before and after pathogen introduction.
What is the significance of this project?
For effective wildlife management, we must understand how frog populations adapt to FV3 and Bd. This research will identify vulnerable populations to disease based on population genetics and diversity. It is important to maintain genetic diversity because it makes populations more resilient to new stressors. Genetic diversity can also be used to estimate changes in population size and if populations have declined. Additionally, by looking at the genetic sequences of individual frogs with different disease tolerances, we can identify genetic markers that can be used to evaluate other populations. Using these markers, population risk can be assessed before pathogen introduction and prioritize vulnerable populations for conservation. Natural history collections offer an underutilized wealth of biodiversity data that will be capitalized on in this study. My study will contribute to the growing work of knowledge that highlights museums’ role in modern biodiversity and conservation research.
What are the goals of the project?
My study uses a collection of modern samples and museum specimens to compare how population genetics change before and after FV3 and Bd introduction to Vermont. Modern samples include individuals that are both infected and non-infected with the two pathogens and come from pond communities with and without the pathogens present. First, I will extract DNA from museum specimens. I will sequence the DNA to get two different pieces of info. First is sequencing important parts of the two immune genes MHC I and MHC II. Second is sequencing representatively across the genome to pick up DNA sequences that are not under selection. The sequence data will let me calculate genetic diversity in the historic and modern populations and estimate changes in population size. I will also identify genetic variants that are associated with disease susceptibility and tolerance. The funds raised will be used to help prepare DNA samples and complete sequencing.
I have external funding to test samples for my pathogens of interest, prepare my modern frog samples for sequencing and to complete some initial sequencing. Funds raised for this project will be used to prepare and sequence samples from museum DNA. Without sequencing the museum sample DNA, it will be more difficult to interpret how pathogen introduction history has shaped the current genetic landscape.
Endorsed by
Project Timeline
The first part of the timeline involves finishing DNA extraction from museum specimens and testing all samples for FV3 and Bd. When all DNA is ready to go, I will prepare the modern samples for sequencing, often referred to as library preparation. Next, I will validate my methods for the historic DNA library preparation and tweak any steps before moving on to sequencing all samples. The last few months of the project will be focusing on data analysis, interpretation, and dissemination.
Mar 10, 2025
Project Launched
Apr 30, 2025
Complete historic DNA extraction
May 16, 2025
Complete pathogen testing on all DNA
Jun 30, 2025
Complete modern DNA sequencing sample prep
Jul 31, 2025
Test sequencing preparation method on historic DNA
Meet the Team
Gwen Ellis
Gwen is a PhD student at the University of Vermont studying ecological genomics. Her research focuses on how amphibians are able to adapt to disease and what that means under different environmental stressors. She's particularly excited about this research project because it deals with frog communities close to home and works with an invaluable community resource: museums. Aside from the interesting evolutionary questions her research works to answer, she has a lot of passion for how molecular methods can inform wildlife conservation.
Lab Notes
Nothing posted yet.
Additional Information
Green frog scientific name: Lithobates clamitans
Project Backers
- 4Backers
- 5%Funded
- $150Total Donations
- $37.50Average Donation