What factors affect the attractiveness of rivers to people?

Backed by Lu Li, Issac Headley, and Xi Xilu
Raised of $1,200 Goal
Funded on 5/07/23
Successfully Funded
  • $1,445
  • 120%
  • Funded
    on 5/07/23

About This Project

Rivers are an important part of the natural environment. They provide habitat for fish, crayfish, insects, snails, as well as birds and mammals. They regulate the amount of water in the environment by discharging excess water into the seas and oceans. Rivers are also attractive for tourism, with many people enjoying their leisure time near them. The purpose of the study is to identify the attributes of rivers that determine their attractiveness from the public's point of view.

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What is the context of this research?

Poland's rivers are heavily polluted. In 2022 there was a natural disaster on the Oder River, the second largest river in Poland. This event caught the attention of the media. This is the second major natural disaster on Polish rivers in recent years (in 2020, Poland's largest river, the Vistula, was poisoned due to a sewage treatment plant disaster. Due to pollution, many fish and crayfish species become rare or have become extinct in Polish rivers[1][2][3][4][5]. In addition, many rivers have had their course artificially altered. Rivers in cities have concrete banks, and resting places have been built on the banks. Few rivers with an entirely natural character remain. Mainly mountain rivers in short segments near their sources have retained their naturalness.

What is the significance of this project?

The study will measure the value of ecosystem services provided by rivers. To measure their value, willingness to travel will be counted using a mixed multinomial model. Briefly speaking, for each attribute of a river, the time that a person is willing to spend to get to a river that has a given attribute will be counted. The results will allow estimating the value of ecosystem services of specific rivers, which will allow local authorities to better plan local economies (such as tourism and environmental protection). Willingness to travel will also allow counting the monetary value of ecosystem services provided by a specific river in a specific area, which can also be applied to regional policy.

What are the goals of the project?

To perform the study I intend to conduct an online survey in which there will be several sets with different attributes of rivers to choose from. Respondents will have to choose the one that suits them best. In addition, the surveys will include questions about respondents' socioeconomic data. The surveys will be prepared using Bayesian statistical methods to get the best results from the survey. A mixed logit model, which is the current standard for this type of research, will be used to calculate willingness to travel. The survey will be conducted on a group of respondents from a consumer panel, collected by a professional statistics company.


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Funding is requested to cover the experimental survey and its design. An online survey will be conducted for the study, saving time and money. A minimum of about 400 respondents is needed to provide a reliable estimate of WTT. Surplus money collected will be used to survey additional respondents. In surveys using the discrete choice experiment method, it is advisable to properly design the survey graphically, a graphic designer will be hired for this purpose. Experiment.com fees are included in the budged. Project is not externally funded.

Endorsed by

Slawomir's education and skills allow him to conduct such analyses. My company has been working with him as an analyst for more than 3 years. During that time Slawomir has become known as a meticulous collaborator. I hope it will be possible to raise money for the research. Nature is priceless.

Project Timeline

The project will begin in the spring with the design of a survey and conducting a pilot survey and preliminary analysis of the results. The final survey, based on which the results will be compiled, will be conducted in the summer. The plan is to write a scientific article and submit it to a journal by the end of January of the next year. The stretched schedule takes into account the author's other responsibilities.

Apr 07, 2023

Project Launched

May 31, 2023

Survey design

Jun 30, 2023

Pilot survey

Jul 31, 2023

Survey Launch

Aug 31, 2023

Data analysis

Meet the Team

Sławomir Konopa
Sławomir Konopa
PhD Candidate in Economics


University of Agriculture in Krakow, Jagiellonian University
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Sławomir Konopa

Sławomir graduated with a bachelor's and master's degree in economics, and his master's thesis won first place for the Award of the Entrepreneurship Council at the President of the Republic of Poland for the best master's thesis in the field of entrepreneurship in Poland. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in economics and is a MA student of geography at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Sławomir has received a scholarship from the National Science Center. He is currently working as a Research Assistant at the University of Agriculture in Cracow in two grants on forest changes under the influence of climate change. He also has an instagram with photos of nature.

Lab Notes

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Project Backers

  • 4Backers
  • 120%Funded
  • $1,445Total Donations
  • $361.25Average Donation
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