Goal reached and exceeded! : Looking ahead
March 18, 2016
To our amazing backers,
We are humbled and inspired by your continuing interest and support, including from new backers, and even after we have reached our goal. Today we are at 129% over our goal, with 7 days to go before the deadline!
We were striving just to reach the goal, as projects are not funded at all unless the goal is reached by the deadline. Then, and only then, are backers’ credit card pledges actually charged. So we are relieved and happy about this outcome.
We would like you to know that we will use the extra funds to make the follow-up part of the study even stronger by redoubling our efforts to include as many former guests as we possibly can into it.Specifically, we pay a modest “thank you” each time to former guests who complete the telephone interviews at 6 months, 12 months, and 36 months after leaving Gould Farm. They report that they enjoy being contacted and updating us on their recovery, and that the token of our appreciation for their time is also very helpful. The more people we can include and keep in the study over that three year follow-up period, the more complete will be our understanding of recovery trajectories.
So, thank you very much for your support and trust. We look forward to keeping you posted as the work gets going over the next several months.
Most sincerely, Laurie and Ellen