Taylor Harris

Taylor Harris

Jun 26, 2015

Group 6 Copy 84

Meet Allix (one of our interns)

My name is Allix Greenwell I'm a 25 year old senior Marine Science major (Bio minor) from Louisville Kentucky. The Marine Science program brought me to Coastal Carolina, but I have always had a respect and passion for the ocean and yearn to learn all I can about marine life. Sea turtles have always stuck out to me as an animal of interest since I was little. My 8th grade teacher knew I loved the ocean and had an interest in Marine Biology, and being from Kentucky there aren't very many opportunities in this field. Karen Beasley, from the Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation center in Topsail Island, NC was speaking at the Newport Aquarium in Cincinnati Ohio and my teacher invited me and my mother to come with him. I was so excited and very fortunate my teacher was concerned enough to think about me. I was able to meet her and ask her some questions and ever since then I have been taken more interest in sea turtles. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with my degree after Coastal, but I know I am very interested in marine life and and keeping our oceans and organisms thriving. I would love to do conservation work or work in a rehabilitation center for marine animals, like the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center. From this internship I hope to gain more knowledge about sea turtles, obviously from the topic of interest, but also general knowledge and ways to help bring awareness/change to everyday actions, products, or events that people do to positively and negatively effect not only sea turtles, but our shorelines, oceans, and ecosystem. I am very excited to get started and learn all I can from this opportunity!


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About This Project

Our goal is to measure the effect of coastal light pollution on hatchling loggerhead ability to find the ocean. We hypothesize that there will be a threshold intensity above which hatchlings become disoriented and less efficient at "sea finding".

Artificial light is a pollutant which is increasing in U.S. urban environments at a rate of 6% per year. Determining hatchling response to various light levels will be important to the long term conservation strategies for endangered sea turtle species.

Blast off!

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