Matthew L. Bochman

Matthew L. Bochman

Jul 22, 2021

Group 6 Copy 296

The data analysis is complete

We recently uploaded a copy of the manuscript detailing the results of this project to the bioRxiv preprint server:

You can read the exact same copy that we sent to a journal for peer review, and the bioRxiv copy will be updated based on reviewer comments. Better yet, it's all totally free. Enjoy!

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About This Project

Mixed cultures create sour beers, but many brewers don't know which microbes are in their cultures. We will identify the species in 21 or more samples from pro/homebrewers using deep sequencing. We will also combine the cultures and follow the evolution of that population over the course of fermentation to determine which species are dominant. This work will highlight the similarities and differences between souring cultures, guiding the development of custom cultures for sour beer production.

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