Matthew L. Bochman

Matthew L. Bochman

Bloomington, IN

Indiana University; Wild Pitch Yeast, LLC

Assistant professor


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Jul 22, 2021

The data analysis is complete

We recently uploaded a copy of the manuscript detailing the results of this project to the bioRxiv preprint server: can read the exact...

Group 6 Copy 294
Published on Mar 12, 2020

My organizational skills are lacking...

Hi backers. We've finally analyzed all of the data and are ready to send the info on your samples back to you as we begin to do group comparisons. However, I've managed to misplace my list connec...

Backers Only
Group 6 Copy 55
Published on Feb 25, 2020

Data analysis

Hey everyone, this lab note is visible only to our backers:We've begun data analysis, and thanks to the hard work of Renan Piraine, we've already found the "missing" Brettanomyces in the sequencing...

Backers Only
Group 6 Copy 79
Published on Feb 05, 2020

More data analysis

In sifting through the mountain of sequencing data that we have now, we noticed some discrepancies on the yeast side of things, and Zymo had to rerun their in-house analyses due to some kind of bug...

Group 6 Copy 266
Published on Jan 30, 2020

The data are in!

We finally got the sequencing data back from Zymo, and it looks like we've got good coverage for bacteria and yeasts in all samples. It's going to take us a while to unpack all of this stuff and t...

Group 6 Copy 383
Published on Dec 19, 2019

Long time, no update

Happy holidays everyone! I apologize for the lack of updates over the past few months. The Fall semester here at Indiana University has been a killer, and it turns out that having 1-year-old twin...

Group 6 Copy 259
Published on Sep 17, 2019

First milestone, check!

Hey all,I just wanted to let you know that we've gotten our 21 samples (and more!), so we can soon begin to process everything for deep sequencing. We're waiting to hear back from one last donor be...

Group 6 Copy 234
Published on Aug 26, 2019

Sample submissions

Hey everyone, has collected your donations, is sending us a check, and we're nearing our first project milestone, which is the anticipated collection of 21+ samples by September 1. W...

Backers Only
Group 6 Copy 56
Published on Aug 02, 2019

Let's get this party started.

Hey everyone, this is a backers-only note. Thank you once again for your help funding the project. From what I understand, has already started to collect the donations from your cr...

Backers Only
Group 6 Copy 115
Show more updates
Reply to:Sean RooneySean Rooney
Ahh, good question! Yours is Sample #20. We'll get data back to individuals soon (hopefully) and then start to get into the comparisons.
Reply to:Klara JunkerKlara Junker
We unfortunately didn't have a proper "uninoculated control" throughout the whole thing because we did this over 3 rounds of experimenting with slightly different reagents (different lots and vendors of DME for example). It would have been expensive to sequence a dozen DME samples. That said, w...more
Reply to:Dan PixleyDan Pixley
We knew L.A.B. were going to be involved (and we could smell their tangy, lemony goodness during the sour mash), but we didn't know which species or what else might be there. We've got various Lactobacilli, Lactococcus, and Leuconostoc species, at least initially. The grain itself contains some...more
Reply to:Nolan GaskillNolan Gaskill
Nolan, we definitely need to make the data more approachable. We're still working with Zymo so that we can do a deep dive into the data without killing ourselves, and hopefully, we can share that experience with you and the rest of the backers when we figure out a good way. Even if
Reply to:Debbie IrvineDebbie Irvine
Wow, I thought I was already successful. Way to rain on my parade mom ;-)
Reply to:Denny LuanDenny Luan
I told a bunch of the poster presenters about Experiment, and they were excited.