Jeffrey Heilveil

Jeffrey Heilveil

Aug 26, 2021

Group 6 Copy 398


Deer Creek @ Sawmill Road in Missouri

Today I drove partway across Missouri to Deer Creek. When I got there, it was clear that while there wasn’t much water present, at some times of the year there is water aplenty. If the shape of the riverbed wasn’t enough of a clue, the giant sign stating “impassable in high water” was convincing. As I put down my tub and nets to set up, I heard a splash and some scurrying. When I looked up, I saw three otters! Unfortunately, by the time I got my phone up to take pictures, they had hidden underneath a fallen tree. It really was a treat to see them though. I did find Nigronia, but again, they seem to have been pushed back by Corydalus. I was able to get 11 individuals in 3 hours, and had a lovely chat with the landowners, before I needed to head on to Iowa.

For those of you who like insects, go to Google Images and check out “Gelastocoridae” and “Hagenius brevistylus nymph”. These are two of my favorites for crazy-looking insects, and they were both at the site.

Also, Missouri has a knack for borrowing location names. Today I drove through, or near, the following places in Missouri: Mexico, Nevada, Louisiana, Mt. Vernon, Rensselaer, and as an honorable mention Wakonda state park.

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About This Project

Successful freshwater conservation efforts require an understanding of genetic diversity and how it changes over time, data we often lack. This study will revisit populations of the saw-combed fishfly (an environmentally sensitive aquatic insect) sampled ~20 years ago to see which populations survived, how genetic diversity has changed, and whether next-generation DNA sequencing gives us a better understanding of how this species recolonized North America after the last glacial retreat.

Blast off!

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