THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of the donors out there! We are overwhelmed with your support and generosity! For those of you that donated at least $25 you can include your own DNA in our project. In fact, since we're in a generous mood, you can now include one person PER $25 donation! So, if you want to include more friends or family, you can increase your pledge if you like. Either way, I will be sending out a message with the details. We are currently testing a new DNA extraction kit. So, when we verify its efficiency and accuracy, we will be sending out the kits directly to you. This will involve filling out a survey, signing a consent form, and following simple instructions to swab your cheek painlessly for DNA. In the meantime, if you want to get a jump on it, send an email directly to me: annyezerski@kings.edu and indicate that you are interested and how many kits you would like.