Taylor Harris

Taylor Harris

Jun 26, 2015

Group 6 Copy 93

Meet Tara (one of our interns)

My name is Tara Murtagh and I am currently a senior marine science major at Coastal Carolina University. I grew up in Southern California and then moved to the east coast in high school. I've known I wanted to be a marine biologist since I was 12 years old, spending summers at the Dana Point Ocean Institute and attending Girls in Ocean Science conferences in middle and high school. Since then it's been my passion to help conserve the marine environment and its animals. Coastal's well-known marine science program and great location brought me to South Carolina. Sea turtles have always been my favorite, I am excited to be a part of this research project and get to learn as much as I can about loggerhead sea turtles. This internship will give me the hands on experience I need to further help and work professionally with sea turtles when I graduate.


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About This Project

Our goal is to measure the effect of coastal light pollution on hatchling loggerhead ability to find the ocean. We hypothesize that there will be a threshold intensity above which hatchlings become disoriented and less efficient at "sea finding".

Artificial light is a pollutant which is increasing in U.S. urban environments at a rate of 6% per year. Determining hatchling response to various light levels will be important to the long term conservation strategies for endangered sea turtle species.

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