Jason P Schein

Jason P Schein

Sep 16, 2016

Group 6 Copy 39

A New Lab Note - Finally!

Hi all,

   I hope all is well.  I've finally fond a few moments to write a new lab note, but I posted it on our first campaign's page.  You can check it out here: https://experiment.com/u/TChFr...

Take care,



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About This Project

Since 2001 the New Jersey State Museum has conducted field research in the beautiful and rugged Bighorn Basin of Montana and Wyoming. The 2016 Field Expedition is inviting backers to become field assistants to help us find, collect, and document Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene fossils - especially DINOSAURS! To participate each backer must contribute $1460 which includes lodging and food. 2016 expedition priorities include excavating a 66 million year old Triceratops, and a 145myo Allosaurus.

Blast off!

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