Joey Hulbert

Joey Hulbert

Apr 05, 2015

Group 6 Copy 168

How do you teach someone about microorganisms without a microscope?

There are many communities in South Africa that are less fortunate, especially in regards to access to education.

Imagine learning without access to libraries, or even textbooks.

Imagine learning without access to the internet, or even electricity.

Photo credit: Sydelle Willow Smith,

As a naive American, my perception of South Africa's education system is limited to a few youtube videos. Below is a short video from 2012 that presents some grim statistics about schools in South Africa.

Regardless of how biased this video is, if the stats are correct, it suggests there is a need for a creative, nonmaterialistic, and interactive education programs in rural communities.

Citizen science programs are tools for engaging the public in scientific research. They provide unique opportunities for the public to learn. We hope to engage teachers and students from communities near the native forests of South Africa with a citizen science program.

What is citizen science? <-click here to see my previous lab note

"Citizen science is about the citizen being the scientist, not just helping the scientist collect data". We want to empower citizens with the idea that they themselves could figure out which microorganism causes sickness in a specific plant, not just teach them about what could cause it. Help us enable rural communities, schools, and students to become scientists.

Apparently there are substantial differences in the quality of educations between wealthy and impoverished communities, even within the university system. By focusing on providing opportunities to be citizen scientist in disadvantaged and impoverished communities and school systems, hopefully we can help close the gap.

Photo credit: Sydelle Willow Smith,

How do you teach someone about microorganisms without a microscope?

When I met Prof Mike Wingfield at the IUFRO conference in Salt Lake City, he encouraged me to reach out to another researcher from FABI at the conference, Prof. Jolanda Roux. It was during my discussion with her that the idea of a citizen science program became a real option. She suggested providing citizens with culture plates for isolating microbes. That way the public could learn the process of isolating microbes from infected plants. Culturing microorganisms can be a way to teach someone about microorganisms without needing a microscope. Culture plates and the growth media are part of the proposed budget we are raising money for.

1) Collect plant samples (symptomatic or asymptomatic)

2) Place tissue (whether it looks infected or not) into growth media in a petri plate. Individual microbes are not visible to the naked eye, but a colony of microbes, or a network of many cells, can be.

3) Isolate target microorganism that grew out of infected tissue.

4) Maintain pure culture of the microorganism that grew out of the infected plant tissue.

Photo credit: Sydelle Willow Smith,

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About This Project

Phytophthora, the Greek term for "plant destroyer", is a group of plant killing microbes that threaten forests and agriculture around the world. More than 100 species have been discovered and between 100-600 species are estimated to remain unknown. Discovering new species improves research and regulations to protect our forest and agriculture systems. The native forests of South Africa are remarkably diverse and have not been surveyed for Phytophthora species. We want to survey the native forests for Phytophthora species with the help of the public!

Help us engage South African communities in science to discover new species! The purpose of this campaign is to raise support for a citizen science program that provides opportunities for South Africans to learn and participate in the scientific process! By backing this research you are supporting awesome research and helping hundreds of individuals participate!

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