Joey Hulbert

Joey Hulbert

South Africa

Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology, Tree Protection Cooperative Program, University of Pretoria, Stellenbosch University

PhD Student


Published on Nov 12, 2017

Dear Backers,

Dear Backers,We have been able to do incredible things in South Africa thanks to your support. We are currently celebrating because we provided more than 200 youth with the opportunity to experienc...

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Published on Nov 09, 2017

A Year of Empowering Young Minds

We produced a video from the footage captured during the activities we organized for youth over the past year. Thanks to you, many of the clips feature learners from Kayamandi. The initial activity...

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Published on Jul 09, 2017

The Smiles We've Inspired—Thanks to you!

Our latest blog post is a photo gallery of citizens participating in Cape Citizen Science. Because of the support you provided for our idea, we have inspired many smiles. Thank you! Please see http...

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Published on Jan 15, 2017

Crowdfunding part 2: a small ask for a HUGE achievement

Dear Backers,We are launching a second crowdfunding campaign tomorrow to raise support to engage a group of impoverished learners in Cape Citizen Science. The success of the campaign will provide t...

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Published on Jul 04, 2016

Cape Citizen Science, South Africa Update

Greetings! Wow, it has been more than a year since this project was funded, amazing. Your support of our project has been a tremendous help so far. A lot has happened in the past year, but there is...

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Published on Sep 17, 2015

South Africa update: travels, disease in the fynbos, a website and our first outreach activity!

Dear backers, Hello from Africa! It was almost a year ago when I met my advisers (Mike Wingfield and Jolanda Roux) at the IUFRO World Congress meeting in Salt Lake City—that is when this story star...

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Published on Aug 15, 2015

Field Site Selected—A Quest for Zebras—Life in South Africa

Greetings from South Africa! As of today, I have been in the country for 2 weeks. Settling in quite well—FABI has taken great care of me. Field Site Selected:I have exciting news! Mike Wingfield an...

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Published on Jul 20, 2015

Ready.. Set.. Adventure! Here I come South Africa!

Hello backers! Thank you for your incredible support! This lab-note is a BIG update about my upcoming BIG Move! I have been busy checking all of the boxes and finally, I am ready to move to the opp...

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Published on Apr 30, 2015

>71 supporters = 100% Funded

>71 supporters = 100% Funded Hooray! We reached our goal! a BIG thank you to everyone who made it happen! Having support from so many people is moving. The best part of this campa...

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