Janelle Boram Lee

Janelle Boram Lee

Sep 25, 2015

Group 6 Copy 51

Lessons Learned from our earlier study: Google search advertising

When we first tried to recruit for our earlier study, we used Google Adwords. To use Adwords, one identifies some key words or phrases related to one’s recruitment goals, creates a brief text ad on the topic, and pays Google a small amount (e.g., $2) whenever someone clicks on the ad. When they click on the ad, they are taken to our study webpage (http://milestoneshome.org).

We identified key words like elimination communication and had almost no visitors to our site. We realized that our target group, folks who had used elimination communication methods, weren’t on the web searching for information about it. Search based ads might be effective for finding searchers, but not for those already familiar with the topic.


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About This Project

Elimination Communication (EC) is a form of potty training in which potties and other elimination receptacles other than diapers are introduced very early, sometimes right from birth. Employing an online survey methodology, our research team is trying to determine if raising infants diaper-free in a Western context leads to differences in their pottying success, general health outcomes, and temperament development later in life.

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