

May 01, 2017

Group 6 Copy 115

We already reached 31%!

You are just amazing, thank you for all your support! We never imagined that crowdfunding could be so intense! Until now, we received a lot of feedback and had to answer many questions. We noticed that there are still some open questions so we will do an AMA on Reddit in the next days. Keep on supporting and spreading this project, we can do this!

What are we doing today? Adjusting our sleep stage detection algorithm! 

We do not have the high-end parts yet but with our current setup, some work is still possible. The heart of our code covers sleep stage detection. Currently, we have to work with pooled variances from the few biosensors we do have as a placeholder for our EEG. We cannot wait to analyze the big data pool we will gather with the openBCI R&D Kit!

All the best, 

Peter and Joachim


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About This Project

While dreaming, you can become aware of the fact that you are dreaming and control your dream. This is called lucid dreaming. Although it would be great to know the science behind this phenomenon, research in lucid dreaming is difficult since frequent lucid dreamers are rarely encountered. We want to investigate the neurophysiology of lucid dream induction and develop a reliable lucid dream induction technique.

Blast off!

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