Things are progressing in interesting that vague or what?
Hi wonderful supporters of the Future Photon experiment!
I am writing to let you know that I have run 600 runs of the experiment at the same four durations and have found interesting effects -- essentially replicating the original results, but with even more interesting layers thrown in.
Each 100 runs I consider an experiment, and of the six experiments, four show significant differences between the pre-decision photon counts -- differences that depend on the future on-time duration of the light source. The other two are suggestive, but not significant. That's about all I'd like to say right now.
I am being intentionally vague because I will want to publish these results so I have to be a little quiet to save the findings for the paper. Journals like it when you don't spill the beans ahead of time, and I also want to bathe in the data some more before I'm really sure I've got something.
But suffice it to say, the experiment is proceeding, thanks to you all, and it looks like it will provide food for thought for years to come.
More when I have news...but gratitude all the time!
Thank you!