Keunhyun Park

Keunhyun Park

Jan 09, 2018

Group 6 Copy 281

Thanks to your supports and interests, I could successfully complete the research project and publish the results in an academic journal, Landscape and Urban Planning. You can see the outcome of your contribution here at

This is an excerpt from the paper:

With a systematic observation tool, SOPARC (System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities), this study finds that the UAV observations show a high level of inter-rater reliability (ICC =0.99 for a total number of users). In addition, compared to the results of on-the ground observations using SOPARC, those of UAV observations demonstrate validity (ICC=0.98 for a total number of users). Compared to existing methods, the UAV observation tool, covering larger target areas, is suitable for counting park users in a more reliable and efficient way and mapping their use patterns; however, the tool is weaker at collecting detailed user information and surveying under poor weather conditions. Thus, the UAV method could complement existing tools. Finally, this study suggests practical implications of the UAV observation method.

A HUGE thank you to all of you for backing this project, again!


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About This Project

An urban park is a free or low-cost setting of physical activity with convenient access. While various monitoring techniques such as direct observation or video recording have been developed, there is no study using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (a.k.a. Drones) in parks. UAVs in studying park use could save time and money as it covers a greater area in a shorter time. Thus, this research develops a new observation method in monitoring park-based physical activity.

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An ecology project funded by 54 people

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