Keunhyun Park

Keunhyun Park

Dec 09, 2016

Group 6 Copy 88

A preliminary study in South Korea

A pilot study was conducted in Busan, Korea in May, 2016. Its preliminary result was published in a Korean journal. The paper found that the UAV-using observation tool could cover larger target areas and is suitable to count park users in a more reliable and efficient way and map their use patterns, although it is weak at collecting detailed user information and surveying under poor conditions such as rainy days. Thus, the UAV method could complement a direct observation by human observers. This study suggests some practical implications of the UAV observation to study park use. You can read the abstract of the article from the below URL link.

이번 experiment 연구에 앞서서 부산시 도시공원을 대상으로 한 기초연구 결과가 한국조경학회지에 게재되었습니다. 논문은 아래 링크를 통해 읽어보실 수 있습니다. 

"공원 이용 실태 조사를 위한 무인비행장치의 활용성 연구 - 부산시 도시공원을 사례로 -" :


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About This Project

An urban park is a free or low-cost setting of physical activity with convenient access. While various monitoring techniques such as direct observation or video recording have been developed, there is no study using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (a.k.a. Drones) in parks. UAVs in studying park use could save time and money as it covers a greater area in a shorter time. Thus, this research develops a new observation method in monitoring park-based physical activity.

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