Geist Klärschlamm (Spirit Sludge)
We experience the phenomenon of Geist Klärschlamm, or Spirit Sludge, in certain forests of the Cascade Lowlands, as may be evidenced by missing or absent sewage sludge. Such mysterious forests are noticeable, simply because dead plants and animals, representing many classes, cannot be found. Neither is there the foul odor associated with land-disposed sewage sludge, nor is there a soil surface covered with slick, greasy sludge, supporting the growth of the few, while the many perish. Nine Geist Klärschlamm sites were just visited in two days, for comparison with the heavily sludged sites we have been monitoring. Nice days in the forest for a change. Our Sludgeophagus Fungi were not to be found; they thrive and flourish in toxic sewage sludge. Even though an absence of data is not data of absence, we are pleased with the observations.
Slated for sludging, but no sludge.
A tree farm planned for sludge disposal, but no sludge.
Absence of dead plants indicates absence of sludge.
Is that another drone on my tail?
Soil in an alleged sludge area, with some charcoal from a previous fire, yet sans sludge. These forests have never seen sewage sludge.
No Physical Inerts (Produce Stickers, plastics, bone fragments, hairs, fibers, pharmaceutical packaging materials, wrappers, or the like); lots of Geist Klärschlamm.