Michael Gaylor

Michael Gaylor

Madison, SD

Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, Dakota State University

Associate Research Professor


Published on Jul 23, 2017

Our First State-of-the-Pumpkin-Science Address

Our First State-of-the-Pumpkin-Science AddressWe’ve been a bit negligent keeping you updated on our efforts to characterize the chemical and microbiological composition of our precious 1920 (and no...

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Published on Dec 09, 2016

Tune in to SDPB's Dakota Midday: Innovations Radio Today (Dec 9) @ 12:30 pm CDT

Greetings Gracious Supporters!Just a quick "lab note" to remind you that we will be talking all things Pumpkin Science with host, Cara Hetland, on South Dakota Public Broadcasting's Dakota Midday: ...

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Published on Nov 23, 2016


We are elated to report tonight that, thanks to the gracious giving of well over 100 enthusiastic backers, we have now met and exceeded our project funding goal of $6000! This is nothing shy of AMA...

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Published on Nov 15, 2016


As Thanksgiving, one of the most American of holidays, fast approaches we find our minds wandering towards thoughts and images of pilgrims, a table groaning from the weight of a feast featuring a l...

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Published on Oct 29, 2016

Let's Raise a Glass (Jar) to John Landis Mason!!

In our previous installment of “Pumpkin Science Lab Notes,” we explored the rich history and uniqueness of the so-called lightning jars. Our continued conversations about all things early 20th cent...

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Published on Oct 25, 2016

What on Earth is a "Lightning Jar?"

Though perhaps not a traditional “lab note” (we seem to have a knack for these), inspired by our ongoing conversations with our friends and collaborators at the Moody County Historical Society, we ...

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Published on Oct 23, 2016

Developing Methods on Modern Jelly Jars

Though we still lack the sophisticated equipment needed to begin our systematic investigations of the microbiology and chemistry of our preserves (the reason we are here on Experiment.com, of cours...

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Published on Oct 18, 2016

Preserved Pumpkin Science Meets the Press!!

Though perhaps not much of a lab note as such, we did want to take a moment to share with you the UBER cool front page press coverage we were blessed to receive yesterday (October 17) in the Madiso...

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Published on Oct 15, 2016

The Pumpkin Plot Thickens!

This project has captivated our scientific imaginations, and those of our enthusiastic investors, from the start. When the jar was brought to our lab by the Moody County Historical Society accompan...

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Hey dude... the stickers are AWESOME! We've got em plastered all over the offices and instruments in the lab. Thanks so much for sending! you rule!
Reply to:Denny LuanDenny Luan
Awesome Denny! You're a veritable cosmic deity of awesomeness! I'll ping you when they touch down. Nerd strong my friend!
Reply to:Marlys  DrewesMarlys Drewes
Thanks Marlys! Looking forward to visiting with all you kids real soon to talk all things pumpkin science! Just let us know when you'd like us to come over. Thanks for your enthusiastic support! DSU Pumpkin Team
Reply to:Denny LuanDenny Luan
Love it!! I feel a new nerd shirt design coming on. HA! That guy nerds WAY strong!
I'm a bit slow on catching up in here, but huge thanks for listening Lizbeth! And uber thanks for your kind review! After listening to the replay, the inimitable Dr. Videau and I concluded that none of us sounded too terribly dysfunctional. HA! And we were especially proud of Hope and Vaille's ...more
Reply to:Denny LuanDenny Luan
HA! An interesting historical nugget to chew on for sure Denny. Thanks for sharing! The Ben Franklin nerd in me really like the first idea though! :-)
Reply to:Denny LuanDenny Luan
Thanks for your interest in our musings Denny! Pretty darned cool stuff ain't it!? We are super blessed to be working closely with a stellar historical research historian (and museum director), Ginger Gaylor, at the Moody County Historical Society. She's got mad historian skills and has really ex...more
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