Rachel Racicot

Rachel Racicot

Oct 01, 2014

Group 6 Copy 75

Paleontology online article

Hi all... once again, thank you to my backers for helping with my continued research! I intend to include all of your names in the acknowledgements once the publication gets underway, and again have other plans for possible perks. Plus, it would really help to reach a stretch goal of $1500, so let your friends know that every extra dollar can help out with whale research!

In other news (as the title would suggest), I recently wrote an article for the general public on porpoises that features Semirostrum ceruttii. If interested, you can check it out here: 



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About This Project

Fossil whale skulls offer unique insights into evolution and adaptation to life in water. Aspects of skull shape can supply critical data on the ecology, diversity, and disparity of ancient organisms. I will test hypotheses for the function of the bizarre lower jaws (never seen before in a mammal) of the extinct porpoise, Semirostrum ceruttii.
Blast off!

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