Alton Dooley

Alton Dooley

Oct 26, 2016

Group 6 Copy 46

SVP is underway!

The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology meeting in Salt Lake City is underway! I arrived last night with our poster and Max; Eric Scott also arrived last night and our other co-author Greg McDonald already lives here. There are 4 poster sessions at SVP, one each day, and as it happens ours is today, so I put our poster up early this morning. This afternoon I'll be standing with the poster to answer questions and get feedback.

If you look closely in the gray box at the bottom left of the poster, you'll see all of our supporters listed in the Acknowledgments. Thanks everyone for making this possible!

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  • Lance Schnatterly
    Lance SchnatterlyBacker
    Have a good time Alton. Too bad I couldn't be there to meet you in person.
    Oct 26, 2016

About This Project

American mastodons lived all across North America during the Ice Age. Paleontologists long suspected that western mastodons differed in subtle ways from eastern ones, and our initial data suggest they may have been distinctive in size and tooth proportions. We plan to examine various museum collections to build a robust database of mastodon measurements, allowing us to document regional population differences and helping us understand ecosystem variation and animal dispersal during the Ice Age.

Blast off!

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