Update! It's Finally Happening!!
Hello everyone! I know it's been almost a year since you all so generously funded our research! I am so excited to tell you today that we have FINALLY begun library prep for next generation sequencing!
It has been a really long, difficult road to get here. Essentially, over the past year, we have struggle with either isolating or amplifying the mitochondrial genomes of our parasites. We tried so many isolation techniques and PCR protocols that we almost lost our minds completely...however I finally had what I will call a "brain blast" and figured out a way to amplify the mitochondrial genomes via long PCR.
With that said we have amplified the mt genomes of 3 parasites, 2 lung worms and 1 heartworm, and we are moving forward with sequencing today!!
We will continue to amplify and sequence, as we were extremely lucky and received DOUBLE reagents by mistake!!
We could not be where we are now without all of your support and I want to deeply and truly thank each and every one of you.
-Caroline and the MMP team!
I've included several photos of our work today!
Here are the genomes and Kalani hard at work