Stretch Goal: Sequence More Time Points!

We are still blown away that our first goal has been completely funded, thank you everyone for your amazing support!
We still have 10 days left and have decided to add a stretch goal to add more time points!
Reaching this goal would allow us to add another master kit to our NanoString sequencing which would add up to 48 more assays!
We have many treatments: gravity vs microgravity, aposymbiotic (without V. fischeri) vs symbiotic (infected with V. fischeri), and time treatments. With our initial goal we were excited to be able to target 6 different time points, but if we are able to add this stretch goal we can obtain a minimum of 3 MORE time points, greatly increasing the overall information that we can obtain from our dataset!
As previously mentioned, ALL time points and squid experiments have already been completed (12 total time points). So please consider helping us just a little more to get more of our time points sequenced in this first NanoString run than we had previously planned!
Thank you all again for your incredible support and please do not hesitate to ask us any questions about this project :D