Irena Werner

Irena Werner

Oct 22, 2015

Group 6 Copy 201

Species I've seen at Soundview Park...

Here are photos of some of the species I have seen while collecting my water and soil samples.

This young Sea Robin was found in one of the oyster reef crates (August 2015).

This is a Green Crab Carcinus maenas (August 2015).

A Young Spider Crab Libinia emarginata found among the oyster reef (August 2015)!

An Egret Wading for Fish (August 2015).

Just because these species are present it doesn't mean the oyster reef is back to it's old self again. When an ecosystem goes through a restoration positive changes will be gradual. The organisms not only have to accept the change but have to adjust to urbanization. That is why an ecological assessment to tell the stage of the restoration is needed. My thesis results will provide a look into the personal world of Soundview's Oyster reef and the species that live there.

Thank you backers for all your support! Please share my link with others!


Irena Werner


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About This Project

Human development of New York and other large cities has led to disrupted urban ecology, including the decimation of once widespread native oysters. Oyster restoration is important for defending against storms, keeping the water clean, and sustaining fisheries and ecosystems. Our study will monitor oyster restoration at Soundview Park, Bronx, using both traditional surveys and cutting edge environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques.

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