Your friendly time-traveling photon update video!
Hello wonderful donors!
I talked over email with the co-founder and it turns out I'm not the only one with pre-publishing sharing jitters. Soon I'll either create a brief Arxiv paper or solve this problem another way. In the meantime, you can see and hear about some of the results at the upcoming Science and Nonduality Conference in San Jose (I'll be giving my talk on Sunday 10/27 -- for a lay audience) or the American Physical Society Far West meeting @ Stanford (on 11/2).
In the meantime, here's me explaining why I'm not sharing graphs right now.
Having said that, the basic update is:
Thanks to YOUR support, so far there are 2500+ trials run, each set of 500 trials shows significant pre-decision differences between on-time durations. Looking into details now!
Thank you for your understanding!