Joey Hulbert

Joey Hulbert

Apr 23, 2015

Group 6 Copy 43

The end is near! Magic, multibrainstorms, and Earth Day discoveries.

Dear World,

Hope you had a great Earth Day!

The End is Near! If you didn't get a chance to celebrate yesterday, perhaps you can celebrate helping us reach 83%! Thank you for your support! There is only 17% (less than $900) to go!

Please help me get there by sharing the project! Share it with your friends via facebook, twitter, emailing, word of mouth, etc. 55+ people have already backed this project. Let your friends know why!

Magically, experiment granted me an extra week to reach the goal! Amazing!

Multibrainstorms: Lend us your brains! Help us design the project by answering some of the questions listed on this google webform. We want your input!

Earth Day Discoveries! I discovered two awesome projects yesterday that I want to share. The first is this website: (the first image in this labnote is from this link). It provides a visualization of global weather conditions, forecast by supercomputers, updated every three hours.

The second project is an citizen science smartphone app for identifying animals, plants, fungi, etc. Check it out!

It's world wide! With this app, you can simply submit a 'sighting' (picture) and other users will help you identify what it is! You could discover a new species! It is also a fun way to fine-tune your mycology/botany skills by helping others identify their 'sightings'. Enjoy!

If you missed the Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) but still have some questions, we can continue the conversation here:

Also, have you had a chance to listen to this? I was featured on NPR's station in Eugene, OR.

Thank you for supporting this dream! Please help us get to the end by sharing the project with more people!

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  • Jennifer Fill
    Jennifer FillBacker
    To all who read this note: If after all this you're still unsure of why you should back this project, even with just five bucks, please consider that merely by donating, following, asking questions, and providing input, you will be changing yourself and others (via Joey's physical efforts there)...and the world! It doesn't take much- just forego that coffee for one day! :D Let's move mountains, one step at a time!
    Apr 24, 2015

About This Project

Phytophthora, the Greek term for "plant destroyer", is a group of plant killing microbes that threaten forests and agriculture around the world. More than 100 species have been discovered and between 100-600 species are estimated to remain unknown. Discovering new species improves research and regulations to protect our forest and agriculture systems. The native forests of South Africa are remarkably diverse and have not been surveyed for Phytophthora species. We want to survey the native forests for Phytophthora species with the help of the public!

Help us engage South African communities in science to discover new species! The purpose of this campaign is to raise support for a citizen science program that provides opportunities for South Africans to learn and participate in the scientific process! By backing this research you are supporting awesome research and helping hundreds of individuals participate!

Blast off!

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