Kyra Prats

Kyra Prats

Mar 17, 2015

Group 6 Copy 85

So why crowdfunding?

While we are applying to other grants*, crowd funding presents a unique opportunity to raise seed money to start our projects up and to share our project ideas before we start our research. The seed money is being used to:

~fund our project costs that need to be paid for before grant money comes through**

~support large equipment costs that are not covered by grants

Sharing our page will allow us to express our projects openly with the scientific and professional communities. Moreover, we believe that communication is essential and that science must be brought to the public in order to create effective solutions. We have received great comments and feedback thus far, and hope to continue this communication throughout the campaign and throughout the duration of the research. Thanks so much for all of your support!

* Sample list of grants: National Science Foundation GRFP, YIBBS, Iberian Travel Grant, South Asian Graduate Research Fund, Tropical Research Institute, Rustgi Fellowship, Carpenter Sperry Fund

**For example, since we are both leaving early May for our projects, seed money will be instrumental in getting affordable plane tickets.


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About This Project

We are researching the tolerance of two tree species to climatic changes, by examining leaf and tree ring properties. Our goal is to see how changes in temperature and precipitation are affecting oak species in Spain and India. This study is important for understanding how these critical species and ecosystems are being affected by a changing climate.

Blast off!

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An ecology project funded by 56 people

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