Pranav Khandelwal

Pranav Khandelwal

Mar 06, 2017

Group 6 Copy 165

Draco photoshoot!

A lot can be said through pictures...this is my effort to showcase these amazing animals and what they are capable of. I will keep updating this post as and when I am able to capture more such images.  I hope y'all like it! :)


A male draco - one for the camera ;)

A male draco extending it's dewlap for territorial or mating display


With it's wings tucked in, the lizard thrusts itself off the tree - minimizing drag and maximizing speed!


spreading wings, generating lift, ready to glide!


Descending towards it's target, in complete control...


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About This Project

Gliding animals are not paper planes - and yet many studies have modeled them so. Flying lizards are agile gliders with a unique wing design, capable of active control over their glide path. Past research has studied lizard glides in 2D, which cannot capture details like body shape and orientation. I will track body points in 3D during the glide along with morphometric measurements, which will lead to more realistic models and give insights into gliding biomechanics of these animals.

Blast off!

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An ecology project funded by 284 people

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