Home Stretch: Only One Week Left!
Thanks to everyone who contributed to make this project a reality! We passed our initial $1,500 goal over the weekend and are looking toward our $3,000 reach goal now. From here on out, every dollar contributed will go toward the needs of our growing community. Reaching $2,000 guarantees that we'll be able to sustain an open-access "cloud modeling environment" for at least a year, and every dollar contributed past the $2,000 mark will go toward purchasing more important references for this emerging field. I've included the figure below to illustrate how inaccessible this knowledge is becoming:

By empowering us to purchase these books, you are enabling the distribution of this knowledge in the form of more comprehensive video productions and the Complex Thermostatistics library itself. In essence, you are evening the playing field so that anyone with a passion for understanding complex systems can contribute to the development of this new science. Love, Shaun