Nicholas Friedeman

Nicholas Friedeman

Mar 19, 2025

Group 6 Copy 10

Lab Note 1: Introduction to our star, the muskrat

While sometimes confused with another better-known rodent, the beaver, muskrats are another species that are important contributors to the environment as ecosystem engineers and fur bearers.

Muskrats are semi-aquatic rodents, meaning they live their lives both in and out of the water. This reliance on both land and water is what drives them to exist in wetland environments. Muskrats are quite adaptive and can occupy a variety of wetland habitats from still water (e.g. marshes and ponds) to linear flowing systems (e.g. rivers) (Erb and Perry 2003). It is because of this habitat plasticity that the muskrat has such a wide range from Mexico across North America to Alaska and the northern territories of Canada (Giroux-bougard, 2014) (Boutin and Birkenholz, 1987).

Marsh habitat muskrats my inhabit. Presence of cattails and other emergent wetland vegetation with pockets of open water.

In their habitats they will forage to consume wetland vegetation and will construct structures known as muskrat lodges or build bank burrows. Muskrat’s foraging and habitat structure development can create a mosaic of microhabitats within wetland environments providing opportunities for increased biodiversity of plants and animals (Mittman et al. 2023) (De szalay and cassidy, 2001) (Kangas and hannan, 1985). Lodge construction creates open pockets of water which bring in open water species and allow for growth of new emergent vegetation. The lodges themselves can also function as loafing sites for aquatic birds and basking area for herpetofauna.  

Aside from their ecological benefits, muskrats are also important to us as humans through use of their fur and meat. Across all states where muskrats occur, communities of recreational trappers use muskrats alongside other furbearers. 

  • 1. Kangas PC, Hannan GL. Vegetation on muskrat mounds in a Michigan marsh. American Midland Naturalist. 1985:392-6.
  • 2. De Szalay FA, Cassidy W. Effects of muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) lodge construction on invertebrate communities in a Great Lakes coastal wetland. The American Midland Naturalist. 2001;146(2):300-10.
  • 3. Mittman ND, Geluso K, Kruse C, Harner MJ. Vertebrate use of muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) structures in wetlands of the Nebraska Sandhills. Western North American Naturalist. 2023;83(4):462-71.
  • 4. Boutin S, Birkenholz DE. Muskrat and round-tailed muskrat. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. 1987:315-25.
  • 5. Giroux-Bougard X. Gene flow in an Arctic wetland: modelling landscape effects on fine-scale genetic variation in an isolated muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) population: McGill University (Canada); 2014.
  • 6. Erb J, Perry Jr H. Muskrats. 2003.


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About This Project

The muskrat, a charismatic semi-aquatic rodent, has experienced long-term declines across the United States dating back to the 1970s. The factors for this decline remain unclear. Our research will investigate health challenges in eastern US muskrat populations by determining the prevalence and distribution of pathogens and contaminants in these declining animals. The outcomes from our effort can provide context to observed declines and serve as a guide for management efforts of the species.

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