Molly June Bechtel

Molly June Bechtel

Aug 24, 2018

Group 6 Copy 142

Collecting Ticks

Collecting ticks in desert tortoise habitat can be a challenge! Regardless of the heat and incessant biting gnats that flourish during the rainy season, these ticks are challenging to find because when they aren't grabbing a meal from a tortoise or other desert animal they like to hangout deep in burrows.

Here I am using a modified Co2 trap that directs Co2 from dry ice into burrows using a flexible plastic hose. The Co2 sublimating from the dry ice mimics Co2 that is emitted from an animal, or a potential meal. These ticks are drawn to the gas and wander in to my Co2 trap, where they get trapped in a small container with a funnel, that prevents them from escaping. ...the joys of field work!

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About This Project

Ornithodoros ticks occur in the Mojave desert and frequently parasitize desert tortoises. These ticks carry the pathogen Borrelia, which is responsible for tick-borne relapsing fever. We aim to determine pathogen prevalence and species of ticks collected from tortoises to further understand infection kinetics of Borrelia in tortoises. Borrelia may cause disease in tortoises, but it's also possible there is an enzyme in tortoise blood that kills Borrelia.

Blast off!

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