>71 supporters = 100% Funded

Hooray! We reached our goal! a BIG thank you to everyone who made it happen!
Having support from so many people is moving. The best part of this campaign has been the connections with you all. It has been great to reconnect with old friends, neighbors, and mentors. I also made several new friends through the process!
I feel very loved with such support from friends and family, and I feel honored to have support from individuals in the field of forest pathology.
Having all of your genuine support will ensure I truly do my best to make this project have a invaluable impact! Thanks for helping me start my dream project.
Below is a note from Prof Wingfield left this morning, thanks Mike!

Yesterday, on the same day the project was fully funded, I received a package of stickers (better late than never).
These stickers were purchased by me personally. The funds we raised together will not be used for these stickers. These are my token of gratitude.
Stickers for all! I want to send you some of these stickers! No matter how much you pledged, I want to send you a sticker, because you truly have supported citizen science in South Africa!
Please provide me with your contact information in the below form! I will not give your contact information to anyone else and will only use it to send a sticker or letter. Even if you don't want a sticker, please provide me with your contact information so I can send you a letter of appreciation. Even if you are abroad.
The stickers are 8.5 x 3 in and will fit inside a traditional US letter envelope.
Put them on your car, bike, office door, window sill, water bottle, computer, etc. I would also love it if you could send me photos of where they end up!
Thanks for your love and support!