Analyses of morphometric traits and data
The team is excited to welcome Dr. Prerna Chand, an experienced researcher in marine ostracods and microscopic crustacean taxonomy. Dr. Prerna brings with her extensive research experience in specimen collection techniques, and species identification through meristic and morphological analyses of the bi-valved shell and segmented soft parts of ostracods. Her research outputs have also included descriptions of 8 new shallow marine ostracod species from Fiji published in Zootaxa which is a journal for animal taxonomists. Dr. Prerna is taking the lead on examining samples collected by Mr. Kutimeni and ensuring the systematic compilation of meristical and morphological characteristics of the samples. Dr. Prerna hopes that through her contribution to the project, a field guide for edible oyster species in Fiji be produced, containing key morphological identification features, including pictures, descriptions (shell descriptions, abductor muscle scar colorations, size ranges, etc.) and local names. Additionally, she hopes that a report capturing records of existing/historical information on mangrove oysters in the Rewa Delta, Fiji, taxonomic notes, current efforts in oyster fishery research and potential for future work in oyster fishery.
Overall Dr. Prerna has this to say about the project: "This project will contribute to strengthening food security and resources, addressing various global, regional and national frameworks, policies and plans, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the Pacific Strategic Plan for Agricultural and Fisheries Statistics, Pacific Islands Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific (FRDP), Fiji's Ministry of Fisheries Strategic Plan, Fiji's Climate Change Policy and National Adaptation Plan. More specifically it is hoped that the field guide can be used by local fishers to understand their catch better, e.g., being able to identify the types of oysters harvested, market chains involving an understanding of oyster species that are frequently sold at markets and preferred by buyers etc. Moreover, both the field guide and report will contribute as baseline information for future work on oyster research for aquaculture, wellbeing and biodiversity conservation in Fiji."
Welcome to the team Dr. Prerna Chand!