Gerace Research Centre
This lab note is inspired by Jason Schein who is familiar with the Gerace Research Centre. I hope these photos bring back great memories! The Gerace Research Centre is providing housing accommodations, meals, lab and diving facilities during our stay on San Salvador. The Research Centre is located along Graham's Harbour on San Salvador, shown below.
When I tell friends and family that I am conducting marine science research in the Bahamas for 6 weeks, they picture me here: (Image from Club Med)
While I still have breath-taking views from my room, I hope this lab note gives them a better idea of where I am staying.
The Gerace Research Centre was initially built in 1961 as a Naval base. In 1971 it was converted into a research center to accommodate teachers and researchers eager to study the diverse environments San Salvador has to offer. The Gerace Research Centre provides housing, lab facilities, and meals to all visitors. Pictures of our housing and lab are below.
Here are some more pictures from around the Centre.
There isn't a better place to watch the sunset!
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