Tiffany Razo

Tiffany Razo

Jun 13, 2015

Group 6 Copy 312

Gerace Research Centre

This lab note is inspired by Jason Schein who is familiar with the Gerace Research Centre. I hope these photos bring back great memories! The Gerace Research Centre is providing housing accommodations, meals, lab and diving facilities during our stay on San Salvador. The Research Centre is located along Graham's Harbour on San Salvador, shown below.

When I tell friends and family that I am conducting marine science research in the Bahamas for 6 weeks, they picture me here: (Image from Club Med)

While I still have breath-taking views from my room, I hope this lab note gives them a better idea of where I am staying.

The Gerace Research Centre was initially built in 1961 as a Naval base. In 1971 it was converted into a research center to accommodate teachers and researchers eager to study the diverse environments San Salvador has to offer. The Gerace Research Centre provides housing, lab facilities, and meals to all visitors. Pictures of our housing and lab are below.

Here are some more pictures from around the Centre.

There isn't a better place to watch the sunset!

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  • Jason P Schein
    Jason P ScheinBacker
    Ha! Thanks, Tiffany! Man, these bring back so many great memories. Glad to see not much has changed. Looks like they're still using the exact same trucks! I can tell you about a couple of things that I'm sure have changed by now. There used to be a water tower on the campus that was so rusted and full of holes that you could look up at it from the ground, and see sky through those holes. And that beautiful walk along that North Point peninsula - there was an old cargo ship that has wrecked on the east side of the peninsula (Shark Bay? Been a long time so I could be butchering the names). When I first started going there, you "could" jump down from the edge of the cliff onto its bow. It was HUGE. But just a few years later it was only a skeleton - nearly destroyed by the elements. Amazing to see how quickly it went. Anyway, thanks for the memories! I've shared the project on my FB page, and am sending it to my former professor and so many friends that went there with me. Good luck - looks like you've made great progress.
    Jun 13, 2015
  • Tiffany Razo
    Tiffany RazoResearcher
    I'm glad you liked this lab note! It's nice to give people who have never been here before an idea of where I am actually staying. I asked around, apparently they took the water tower down four years ago or so. I'll add a picture to this lab note so you can see what the shipwreck look like now. Thank you for sharing the experiment with others!
    Jun 13, 2015

About This Project

San Salvador is a remote Bahamian island with limited local anthropogenic impacts to coral reef ecosystems, resulting in near pristine reef communities. However, due to the growing tourist facilities on San Salvador, the future of these reef communities may have a different outlook. Our goals are to discover how these reef communities have changed in the past 17 years, identify the primary influencing factors to these communities, and increase our knowledge of these essential ecosystems.

Blast off!

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