My Research So Far
So, this is going to a consise, but informative entry about what my project has done so far!
These are the two main locations of light traps. I have been confined to areas with electrical outlets, which is why the upgrade of equipment is needed so desperately! The remainder of the work has been conducted by driving up and down the seashore and searching for caterpillars as well as searching any and all bright lights. With simply one additional portable light, I could sample *anywhere* on the Cape Cod National Seashore which would be an immense help.several hundred species.
So far, I have identified a little over 150 species on Cape Cod. The number of moths out there is amazing and I hope to document a lot more.

Pictured here are three moths from my most recent trip on September 2nd 2014. The moths are (in order):
Caripeta piniata (Pine Looper), Lapara coniferarum (Southern Pine Sphinx), Grammia parthenice (Parthenice Tiger Moth)
At the end of this year (2014) there will be a paper published containing a full list of the moths seen during the course of the study to date.
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