Malcolm Hobbs

Malcolm Hobbs

Jan 31, 2017

Group 6 Copy 54

Ethical Approval Granted! (& Measures Summary)

The project has now been given IRB ethical approval so we can now move towards recruitment and data collection!

We've also finalised what we want to measure and a summary figure is attached. We intend to measure all of these constructs and, in the analysis, test for relationships between them. 


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  • Nicola davey
    Nicola daveyBacker
    Nice to be able to see this progressing - like the open sharing style too. All the best with the study
    Feb 01, 2017
  • Malcolm Hobbs
    Malcolm HobbsResearcher
    Thanks. Its interesting having and audience who have funded it.......I think I prefer it to carrying out studies and wondering if anyone actually cares!
    Feb 01, 2017

About This Project

University of California Cooperative Extension

Californian farms are traditionally male dominated workplaces but they are increasingly relying on female laborers. Changing the diversity of a workforce can impact the functioning of work teams, affecting efficiency and worker satisfaction. I wish to understand how the recent influx of female workers is affecting vineyard teams. This will allow me to make recommendations as to how these women can be successfully integrated, to benefit both vineyard efficiency and worker satisfaction.

Blast off!

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