Christina Ek

Christina Ek

Feb 12, 2021

Group 6 Copy 354


After a temporary setback, I plan to send my samples for PLFA out Monday. I also plan to conduct a second set of experiments in March/April on peas and radishes. I am reading some wonderful books on food, including The Third Plate by Dan Barber and Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma.

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  • r willson
    r willsonBacker
    Dan Barber espouses cruelty. He spends a lot of time disparaging vegetarianism and veganism and promoting selfishness. In the 21st century we should know better than to brutalize, exploit, and kill sentients because they taste good. And to do so publicly is especially egregious. His understanding of the ecological impacts of eating meat vs. plants is way off base and on a planet trying to feed almost 8 billion, his arguments are simply ridiculous and unjust. "The Ethics of What We Eat" is my recommendation. Or "Animal Liberation" (both by Singer.) Wishing you continued success with your important work! -Ron
    Feb 12, 2021
  • Christina Ek
    Christina EkResearcher
    I have read both Animal Liberation and Ethics and understand what you mean about Barber, especially with regards to foie gras. However, I am focusing on plants, and like what he says about wheat and other crops. I agree, however, that he does tend to disparage those of us who would rather not see animal cruelty by dismissing it as "anthropomorphizing" their pain. I do not eat animals or animal products except for fish, so please understand that I fully condemn those who believe that animals do not truly suffer pain or that CAFOs are not problematic.
    Feb 12, 2021
  • r willson
    r willsonBacker
    Well said!! -Ron
    Feb 13, 2021
  • Christina Ek
    Christina EkResearcher
    Feb 13, 2021

About This Project

Food insecurity is a severe global problem in both developed and developing nations. Soil degradation due to misuse of chemical fertilizer hampers adequate food production. The purpose of the proposed research is to determine if and how Chlorella vulgaris, a potential soil amendment, impacts growth, shelf life, and nutrition of crops. It is hypothesized that tomatoes and kale grown with the algae display improved growth, shelf life, and nutrient value compared to controls.

Blast off!

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