Christina Ek

Christina Ek

Columbia, SC

University of South Carolina-Columbia


Published on Dec 03, 2023

Final Manuscript

I would like to share the final manuscript with all of you. Can you send me your email addresses? Thank you!

Group 6 Copy 461
Published on Dec 13, 2022

Analysis Updates

I am working on analyzing the data, including also determining basic statistics (means, medians, ranges) and boxplots. I am seeing differences not only among crops, but among seasons.

Group 6 Copy 60
Published on May 24, 2022

Latest Crop Updates

I sent in soil samples to Ward Laboratories for them to test and use the remaining balance on the funds that all of you helped to raise. I have started harvesting potatoes. Both the Yukon and the b...

Group 6 Copy 240
Published on Mar 02, 2022

Recent Crop Updates

Shelf life experiments were conducted with the collard harvests, and the potatoes are still growing. Most of the rye has deteriorated, but some is still growing, especially with the change in weath...

Group 6 Copy 778
Published on Jan 29, 2022

Harvest Updates

The results from Ward Laboratories indicated that the rye cover crop did have a significant impact on soil health and community structure. The spinach has been harvested, and the collards will be n...

Group 6 Copy 291
Published on Jan 08, 2022

Greenhouse Updates

The potatoes are finally growing, and the spinach is almost mature. The collards are steadily growing. Results from the soil testing company are still pending to determine the impact of the rye cov...

Group 6 Copy 655
Published on Sep 21, 2021

Fall Crops

I am finishing up with the tomatoes and cucumbers. Soon, I will plant cereal rye (what is used for bread flour in northern Europe), potatoes, and some extra spinach and collards from last year. The...

Group 6 Copy 464
Published on Aug 21, 2021

Summer Crops

I am trying transplants of the tomatoes and cucumbers to reduce crowding and promote growth. I am also keeping track of heights and other growth measures.

Group 6 Copy 337
Published on Jun 14, 2021

Crop updates

The radishes have completed their growth, and I am running shelf life experiments on them. The peas, tomatoes, and cucumbers are continuing to do well. I am making sure my formatting of the manuscr...

Group 6 Copy 401
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