Joey Hulbert

Joey Hulbert

Aug 15, 2015

Group 6 Copy 110

Field Site Selected—A Quest for Zebras—Life in South Africa

Greetings from South Africa! As of today, I have been in the country for 2 weeks. Settling in quite well—FABI has taken great care of me.

Field Site Selected:

I have exciting news! Mike Wingfield and I have decided on a location to implement the citizen science program and conduct our research—and it is epic! Our field site will be the Cape Peninsula!

The peninsula has a history of Phytophthora cinnamomi problems, with research dating back to the 70s.

The blue dot marks where I am now and the red pin is where our field site is; apparently it is a two hour flight.

Phytophthora cinnamomi is possibly the most ubiquitous Phytophthora species on the planet and it infects many plant species in the Cape. In specific is the silver tree (Leucadendron argenteum), a 'vulnerable' (~almost endangered) species according to the IUCN redlist (

This is a picture of a dead silver tree (killed by P. cinnamomi) next to some healthy ones—photo contributed by Dr. Wilhelm de Beer.

Anyhow, the silver tree and P. cinnamomi will be our 'poster-child' for the project but we will sample other plants and look for other Phytophthora species.

A Quest for Zebras:

I brought my bicycle to South Africa and today I rode to one of the nearby nature reserves in search for Zebras! Here are a few photos I took along the ride:

Smog or Dust? I still havn't been anywhere in this photo

A view from the Reserve

Hark! Zebras! Next quest: Giraffes

Life in South Africa:

I have settled in well, mostly because of a warm welcome and sincere help from two PhD students in FABI, Darryl Herron and Tanay Bose.

I live about a block away from the FABI building in a university owned graduate student residence. It is a small place but I am starting to like it very much.

The view from my stairwell. Campus and a church.

A shot from my window.

My lab bench space.

Campus from the FABI 2 building balcony.

More updates soon! I still havn't spent any of the funding you contributed. I think a flight to Capetown and some transit around the peninsula will be the first item on the budget.

Thank you for your support! I look forward to keeping you updated on this incredible project we are about to start!

Expect more updates!


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  • Peter Oviatt
    Peter OviattBacker
    Aug 21, 2015
  • Agnes K. Johnson
    Agnes K. JohnsonBacker
    Great to see the pictures Joe. It is wonderful to read about the work, location and what you are doing.Grandma
    Aug 17, 2015
  • Michelle Agne
    Michelle AgneBacker
    Zebras and Phytophthoras, does it get any better? I hear giraffes are surprisingly mean, so watch out for that on your next quest! <3
    Aug 17, 2015
  • Richard Honour
    Richard HonourBacker
    Go, Joey. Great report. Love your work. Richard
    Aug 15, 2015

About This Project

Phytophthora, the Greek term for "plant destroyer", is a group of plant killing microbes that threaten forests and agriculture around the world. More than 100 species have been discovered and between 100-600 species are estimated to remain unknown. Discovering new species improves research and regulations to protect our forest and agriculture systems. The native forests of South Africa are remarkably diverse and have not been surveyed for Phytophthora species. We want to survey the native forests for Phytophthora species with the help of the public!

Help us engage South African communities in science to discover new species! The purpose of this campaign is to raise support for a citizen science program that provides opportunities for South Africans to learn and participate in the scientific process! By backing this research you are supporting awesome research and helping hundreds of individuals participate!

Blast off!

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