Lori is Published! Say hello to Hesperornithoides miessleri
I recently saw a post that keyed me into the fact that there must not be a final post on this project. I am happy to (belatedly) say that the Lori specimen was published in PeerJ on July 10 in 2019 and was named Hesperornithoides miessleri . After our first submission was rejected we incorporated reviewers comments and made a stronger manuscript and resubmitted it early in 2019 to PeerJ. It went through a similarly rigorous review and we thank those reviewers for their efforts to help improve the manuscript. You can find the final publication here: https://peerj.com/articles/7247/ This 51 page manuscript was a bit of a beast, which is why (in part) it took so long to get this thing into print. We are proud of our efforts and grateful to all of our supporters here on Experiment.com! You enabled us to get together and assemble all of the data and score the specimen. We appreciate all of your kindness, queries, and comments. Thanks again for participating in and supporting our effort!