Meriel Melendrez Mees

Meriel Melendrez Mees


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Dec 29, 2022

Progress Report

In 2022 we completed large sections of the literature review, started and then postponed—in part due to the UC strike—data collection; and earned a $5,000 grant. Happy holidays!

Group 6 Copy 480
Published on Nov 24, 2022

Land Acknowledgement

We included as much of a land acknowledgement as we felt we could fit in the 3-minute project launch video and will close this request for funding on—a site for community engagement—...

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Published on Nov 21, 2022


This account covers stages we have completed and what we are currently pursuing. SamplingThe study includes three superlatively tall trees from each species, spanning the North-South axis of the sp...

Group 6 Copy 286
Published on Nov 21, 2022

Solidarity with the UC Strike

Our hearts are with University of California employees who have been on strike for liveable wages.

Group 6 Copy 335
Published on Nov 25, 2022

A personal story of trees and machines

[Thanks to more help from a backer, the campaign has been extended until December 16th at midnight PST. Would you please continue to help spread the word and make contributions? Now, a backstory th...

Group 6 Copy 543
Published on Nov 13, 2022

Getting the word out

We still have a ways to go towards our funding goal and not very much time left. The project needs more outreach and anyone can help. In addition to Experiment's default Facebook and Twitter sharin...

Group 6 Copy 263
Published on Nov 13, 2022

Postcards for Project Backers

We would love to thank you for your support. If we get funded, backers who reply to their digital thank-you note with an address will receive a postcard with imagery from the project. By request, w...

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Published on Nov 25, 2022

Methods | Big, old data about plants

Some people might associate big data with information about humans, but humans compile all kinds of big databases, such as the data that supports articles in scientific journals. Plant communities ...

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