Jazmin Garcia

Jazmin Garcia

Apr 05, 2015

Group 6 Copy 78

Leonardo DiCaprio cares about the Belize marine environment and so should you! Please donate! 32 hours to go.

Hello friends,

Thanks to many wonderful donations, we are so close to reaching our project goal! Funds collected from this crowdfund will help me complete my thesis project on the effects of human activity on bottlenose dolphin behavior in the Drowned Cayes, Belize.

Belize has grown exponentially over the last two decades, and although this is beneficial to the communities, this growth may be negatively impacting marine life. This concern has been increasing and has recently made headlines when news broke that Leonardo DiCaprio has purchased an island in Belize to build an eco resort to help minimize tourism impact on the Belize ecosystem.


My project aims to look at how tourism impact has affected bottlenose dolphins, who rely on this ecosystem as a source for food and protection from predation. Results from my project will be presented to Belize stakeholders and government to help create a management plan that will reduce impact.

Please consider donating to my project and help spread the word on this important issue. We have 32 hours to go, I know we can do it! If you have any questions or have any words of wisdom to share, please let me know! Thank you!

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  • Caryn Self-Sullivan
    Caryn Self-SullivanResearcher
    Leonardo DiCaprio purchased property along the west coast of Ambergris Caye a few years ago to build his resort. Although I have not met him personally (yet ;-) his property is near friends up that way. Jimmy Buffett and Paul Allen (Bill Gates' partner) also frequent Belize as do many other famous folk from the entertainment and business world who recognize a special place when they find it. Buffett frequents San Pedro Town, also on Ambergris Caye. Paul Allen comes in on his private yacht and anchors within our study area! Help us keep Belize a biodiversity hotspot through continued research, educational outreach, recommendations to decision makers who are challenged with balancing economic development and conservation. Donate within the next 24 hours to ensure we get into the field this summer!
    Apr 05, 2015

About This Project

Has increased tourism in Belize impacted the dolphin population? In the late 1990s, Self-Sullivan and her peers determined that mangrove cayes provided foraging and nursery habitat for dolphins and manatees in Belize. It was predicted that increasing cruise ship tourism would have negative effects on the dolphin population. With your help, we will test that hypothesis and determine changes in the population structure, habitat use, and behavior.

Blast off!

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