To find out more about trophy-taking in the Andes, Sr isotope analysis, or the Wari Empire, you can start with the resources below. I hope this project will fill in some of the gaps and help us understand the context of trophy-taking in Wari-era Arequipa, Peru.
- Álvarez WJY, and Jennings J. 2013. ¿Wari en Arequipa?: Análisis de ls contextos funerarios de La Real. Arequipa, Peru: Museo Arqueológico José María Morante, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa.
- Ambrose SH, and Krigbaum J. 2003. Bone chemistry and bioarchaeology. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 22(3):193-199.
- Bentley RA. 2006. Strontium isotopes from the earth to the archaeological skeleton: a review. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 13(3):135-187.
- Buzon MR, Conlee CA, Simonetti A, and Bowen GJ. 2012. The consequences of Wari contact in the Nasca region during the Middle Horizon: archaeological, skeletal, and isotopic evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science 39(8):2627-2636.
- Conlee CA, MR Buzon, Gutierrez AN, Simonetti A, and Creaser RA. 2009. Identifying foreigners versus locals in a burial population from Nasca, Peru: an investigation using strontium isotope analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 36(12):2755-2764.
- Katzenberg MA. 2000. Stable isotope analysis: a tool for studying past diet, demography, and life history. In: Katzenberg MA, and Saunders SR, editors. Biological anthropology of the human skeleton. New York: Wiley-Liss.
- Kellner C. 2006. "Trophy" heads in prehistoric Peru: Wari imperial influence on Nasca head-taking practices. In: Bonogofsky M, editor. Skull collection, modification and decoration. Oxford: Archaeopress. p 101-111.
- Knudson KJ, Williams SR, Osborn R, Forgey K, and Williams PR. 2009. The geographic origins of Nasca trophy heads using strontium, oxygen, and carbon isotope data. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 28(2):244-257.
- Knudson K, Price D, Buikstra J, and Blom D. 2003. The use of strontium and lead isotope analyses to investigate Tiwanaku migration and mortuary ritual in Bolivia and Peru. Archaeometry.
- Knudson K, and Torres-Rouff C. 2009. Investigating cultural heterogeneity in San Pedro de Atacama, Northern Chile, through biogeochemistry and bioarchaeology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138:473-485.
- Knudson KJ. 2008. Tiwanaku Influence in the South Central Andes: Strontium Isotope Analysis and Middle Horizon Migration. Latin American Antiquity 19(1):3-23.
- Knudson KJ, Nystrom KC, Tung TA, Price TD, and Fullagar PD. 2005. The origin of the Juch'uypampa cave mummies: strontium isotope analysis of archaeological human remains from Bolivia. Journal of Archaeological Science 32:903-913.
- Knudson KJ, Pestle WJ, Torres-Rouff C, and Pimentel G. 2012. Assessing the life history of an Andean traveler through biogeochemistry: Stable and radiogenic isotope analyses of archaeological human remains from Northern Chile. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22(4):435-451.
- Knudson KJ. 2008. Tiwanaku Influence in the South Central Andes: Strontium Isotope Analysis and Middle Morizon Migration. Latin American Antiquity 19(1):3-23.
- Knudson KJ, and Tung TA. 2011. Investigating regional mobility in the southern hinterland of the Wari Empire: Biogeochemistry at the site of Beringa, Peru. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 145(2):299-310.
- Knudson KJ, Webb E, White C, and Longstaffe FJ. 2013. Baseline data for Andean paleomobility research: a radiogenic strontium isotope study of modern Peruvian agricultural soils. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences:1-15.
- Owen B. 2010. Wari in the Majes-Camaná Valley: a different kind of horizon. In: Jennings J, editor. Beyond Wari walls : regional perspectives on Middle Horizon Peru. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. p 57-77.
- Price TD, Burton JH, and Bentley RA. 2002. The characterization of biologically available strontium isotope ratios for the study of prehistoric migration. Archaeometry 44(1):117-135.
- Tung TA. 2012. Violence, ritual, and the Wari empire: a social bioarchaeology of imperialism in the ancient Andes. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
- Tung TA, and Knudson KJ. 2010. Childhood lost: abductions, sacrifice, and trophy heads of children in the Wari Empire of the ancient Andes. Latin American Antiquity 21(1):44-66.
- Tung TA, and Knudson KJ. 2008. Social identities and geographical origins of Wari trophy heads from Conchopata, Peru. Current Anthropology 49(5):915-925.
- Tung TA. 2008. Dismembering bodies for display: a bioarchaeological study of trophy heads from the Wari site of Conchopata, Peru. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 136:294-308.
- Slovak N, and Paytan A. 2011. Applications of Sr isotopes in archaeology. Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry: Springer. p 743-768.
- Slovak NM, Paytan A, and Wiegand BA. 2009. Reconstructing Middle Horizon mobility patterns on the coast of Peru through strontium isotope analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 36:157-165.