Keala Cummings

Keala Cummings

Apr 11, 2014

Group 6 Copy 2,348

Tree profile: African Wattle

   African wattle, the toilet paper tree Scientific name: Indigenous names:


Ptyelus grossus several minutes later superetc etc Cultivation


  1. Making the most of Indigenous Trees, Fanie and Julye-Anne Venter
  2. Trees and Shrubs of Mpumalanga and Kruger National Park, Ernst Schmidt, Mervyn Lotter and Warren McClealand
  3. Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa, Braam van Wyk and Piet van Wyk


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  • Nancy Johnson
    Nancy Johnson
    I have a lovely wattle tree here in Seattle that is about 10 years old and very beautiful. I'm growing some seedlings now and I'd live to try the bonsai tree.
    May 08, 2017
  • Marsha Sato
    Marsha SatoBacker
    The bonsai is so you know how old it is?
    Apr 11, 2014
  • Keala Cummings
    Keala CummingsResearcher
    That one is about five years old I think
    Apr 15, 2014

About This Project

Measuring tree traits is a fast, inexpensive and effective way to gather information on how tree species withstand environmental pressures. It's especially useful for understanding dynamic systems such as savannas. By measuring traits for key tree species this research will provide valuable knowledge that can be used by park managers, climate scientists, savanna ecologists and local communities that depend on tree populations for vital resources.

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