Jeffrey Heilveil

Jeffrey Heilveil

Aug 09, 2021

Group 6 Copy 437

We made our initial target!

Hopefully, I won't run into the kind of weather I had last semester in stream ecology, but I'm already in the water, so I figure its fair if I get wet.

We have achieved the set funding goal for the project. I can’t begin to express how much it means to me to have a project that is truly community driven. Now that I know there is enough funding to cover the necessary supplies, I have added a stretch goal to help meet the cost of gas, dry ice, and food along the way.

I really appreciate all of you who chose to help support this project. It will be exciting to see what we find. I couldn’t make this project happen without your help. The data from the project will be publicly available and any papers that result will be hosted at SUNY Oneonta’s Open Access Repository, so that our findings are available to scientists around the world (not locked behind a publisher’s paywall).

Time to move to the next stage: Sampling! The first trip starts this Sunday, August 15. I’ll be streaming live via (@Nigronia) when I arrive at the first site and throughout the trip. I’ll post a message here before I start the livestream, likely Monday morning (the 16th) around 9 am Eastern. I hope you can join me in the field. If you can’t make it to the livestreams, the recordings will be hosted on and later moved to my Youtube Channel (Jeffrey Heilveil) so you can view them any time.

Thanks again.



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  • Allyson Clodfelter
    Allyson ClodfelterBacker
    Congratulations! Very excited to hear about your progress!
    Aug 10, 2021
  • David Lang
    David LangBacker
    Very excited for the livestream! (Pun intended, but genuinely excited!)
    Aug 10, 2021

About This Project

Successful freshwater conservation efforts require an understanding of genetic diversity and how it changes over time, data we often lack. This study will revisit populations of the saw-combed fishfly (an environmentally sensitive aquatic insect) sampled ~20 years ago to see which populations survived, how genetic diversity has changed, and whether next-generation DNA sequencing gives us a better understanding of how this species recolonized North America after the last glacial retreat.

Blast off!

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