Bethany Krebs

Bethany Krebs

Sep 23, 2015

Group 6 Copy 251

The rhinos meet their (prototype) Foobler!

In case you missed it, yesterday was World Rhino Day! The San Francisco Zoo celebrated last weekend with special rhino-themed events, including introducing Boone and Gauhati to a prototype of the rhino Foobler. The TGiF team and I were on hand for the festivities

Somehow the only picture taken of any of them was of Fred, but Tristan and Greg were there too!

We had a table set up with some Fooblers, awesome art, and information about the project.

The artwork was courtesy of a very talented project backer, Mark Simmons (, who was there to see Boone meet his Foobler (and draw it!)

We also ordered the new video camera to make video updates not filmed on a tablet! So without further ado, here is the video of Boone meeting the Foobler for the first time.

Thanks to all of you for making this possible!



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  • Oscar Jasklowski
    Oscar JasklowskiBacker
    So proud of Boone!!
    Sep 28, 2015
  • Catherine Edwards
    Catherine EdwardsBacker
    I am so happy to have been a small part of this. Thank you for the video update
    Sep 26, 2015
  • Leslie Nitikman Sokolow
    Leslie Nitikman SokolowBacker
    This looks like a fun day for Boone. I think he had a satisfying day with a break from monotony of zoo life. Bravo.
    Sep 24, 2015
  • David L. Gates
    David L. GatesBacker
    Thank you for the video. Looking forward to see more.
    Sep 23, 2015
  • Mark Simmons
    Mark SimmonsBacker
    Love the video highlights, complete with exciting rock soundtrack! It's too bad we don't see the peacock scrambling out of the path of the rolling Foobler at the end, but I guess that's a special memory you had to be there to experience. :-)
    Sep 23, 2015
  • Bethany Krebs
    Bethany KrebsResearcher
    I should've practiced with the camera before the big day! Turns out I'm not terribly quick on the draw with the tripod, getting shots of things moving around the exhibit was not my strong suit.
    Sep 23, 2015

About This Project

A Foobler is a toy that dispenses food when your pet plays with it. We want to build one for the San Francisco Zoo's rhinos.

Animals need to engage with the environment to maximize their psychological well-being. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this in zoos is to make animals 'work' for their food. We want to build a novel feeding system to engage our rhinos in more active foraging, and assess their behavioral responses.

Blast off!

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