Noll Steinweg

Noll Steinweg

Feb 08, 2015

Group 6 Copy 69

Tadpoles vs. fish

Here's a photo of a tadpole we found at a lake with fish. At this lake, the only amphibians we found were in the very shallow water around the perimeter of the lake, hiding out among emergent vegetation. This shallow ring around the lake was probably too shallow for fish, which were only found in the deeper center of the lake. During some periods of the year, tadpoles may be forced to move into that deeper water as the lake level fluctuates, exposing them to the predatory fish.


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About This Project

Vernal Pools are temporary wetlands that fill annually and support a unique set of species. The goal of our study in Massachusetts is to better understand how water level in vernal pools fluctuates throughout the year. Studies like ours are critical to protecting species that rely on vernal pools.

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