Evon Hekkala

Evon Hekkala

Jun 03, 2016

Group 6 Copy 59

Crazy Croc Week!

Hi Everyone,

Sorry that I haven't had a moment to send a note out thanking everyone for funding this project. As soon as the funds are released we are going to schedule the  sequencing run at the genome center. 

In the mean time some updates...

First of all, I had the privilege to spend last week working with colleagues at the American Museum of Natural History (@amnh) on the media launch of the the new Crocs! exhibit. It was a whirlwind of interviews, photos and sharing the highlights of the exhibit with folks from the press and with visitors. We are really hoping that this exhibit will open some eyes about the amazing archosaurs around us!

The other exciting thing that happened was today's NPR science Friday episode. It was all about exploring ideas for antibiotics from past perspectives. What a great fit with our project!

Oh.. and I spent the day Tuesday with colleagues scanning more animal mummies from the collections of the Brooklyn Museum. This tiny guy was a big hit. More on the mummies next time...

Cheers to all, E


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About This Project

Why did alchemists hang crocodiles from the ceilings of their shops? Why did ancient Egyptians worship crocodiles? We noticed that crocodiles can recover from extreme injury.. What is the source of this resilience? New studies suggest that crocodiles have a unique ability to fight infection. Become a backer and help us sequence genes of crocodiles and discover the source of the myth of the Apothecary Crocodiles. There's a good chance we'll find some new tools in the fight against human diseases.

Blast off!

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