Morgan Q. Goulding

Morgan Q. Goulding


International Snail Station

Itinerant Professor


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Nov 12, 2022

Ready to Publish

Just sent this message off to editors of three journals.Greetings,Quick note to inquire about possible publication. Not sure if it would fit in any category in [journal]. Feel free to relay the bel...

Group 6 Copy 597
Published on Apr 01, 2022


What began as a bioweapon engineering project mutated into a basic investigation of the snail's conditional urge to make babies. A method was found - actually it was already known, but it was confi...

Group 6 Copy 532
Published on Nov 02, 2021

News & Plans

News & PlansAfter getting abundant evidence for a rapid, robust, and readily reversible inhibition of egg-laying behavior (due to a dietary regimen), we are going to ask whether the same snail ...

Group 6 Copy 568
Published on Oct 05, 2021

International Snail Station has New Crew!

In late August 2021 we were joined by excellent GSW undergrads Willa Dyer (Nursing) and Emily Hiers (Education) - they have been working as Data Collection Specialists in a set of experiments testi...

Group 6 Copy 437
Published on Feb 04, 2021

Going Offline

This project is going in a new direction, one that I don't want to talk about in public. Maybe I'll make an announcement later!

Group 6 Copy 99
Published on Jan 29, 2021

Starting New Trial

Using the same 80 snails as in the previous trial where 'Monterey' Btk showed zero effect. Snails are randomized. This time using Dipel again - the same strain that previously showed a strong effec...

Group 6 Copy 229
Published on Jan 14, 2021

ERK! Got antibody to work.

Using Sigma's ascites-grown monoclonal antibody against diphospho-ERK, I now see the expected signal in a subset of micromere cells - the ones closest to the organizer cell 3D - in whole untreated ...

Group 6 Copy 237
Published on Jan 10, 2021

Results are in

Snail chow made with 'Monterey' Btk has no effect on reproduction or any other part of the snails' life, either during a ten-day feeding regimen, or for a week thereafter. Here is a table showing e...

Group 6 Copy 254
Published on Dec 20, 2020

Numerous tiny pink blobs

I wasn't expecting to report anything only 48 hours into the trial, but I've seen something maybe never seen before, and I can't keep it to myself. Egg production does seem already to be depressed ...

Group 6 Copy 259
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The easiest, cheapest, fastest way to produce large amounts of some piece of DNA - just let bacteria do it for you, they are very good at it!
This Lab Note has almost 1.900 views, and not a single comment. That's funny.
Whatever happened to the numerous tiny pink blobs? They stopped appearing. Further trials did not show any significant effect of Bt on these snails.
Correction: the dose was about 0.3 micrograms per snail per day - not 30 micrograms. Darn powers of ten - if I were better at figuring them in my head I might be a millionaire instead of a thousandaire. Well, so the poison is a hundred times more potent than I thought - and might sterilize snails...more
PPS. Of course the median lethal dose of pesticides (for humans) is established based on experiments feeding the poisons to some other kind of mammal, rats mice and so on...
PS '...according to the US Code of Federal Regulations...' (This is talking about human toxicity of pesticides!)
Dipel Dust is a commercial formulation of Bt kurstaki, a strain known to especially target larvae of lepidoptera (moth and butterfly). The label says it contains 0.064% Bt fermentation solids - all the rest is filler. ~~~ How much 'Bt fermentation solids' did each snail eat per day on average? 1...more
The caterpillars all died - they needed an experienced caretaker. That's OK - they were only there as a positive control, in case the Bt had no effect on snails. It turns out the Bt works on snails!
Cool, I want to see them growing! Also, what about trophoblast organoids? Isn't this the kind of cell that the virus has to get through to infect the embryo/fetus?
Today (Tuesday 30 July): uneaten portions replaced with fresh helpings. (Same batch of gelled bacteria suspension, but kept at 4C for the past five days.)
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